WARNING: The WebGL build takes quite some time to load, but it will eventually (mine usually takes around 2.4 minutes from testing) . I recommend downloading the build if possible.


Planeswalkers are the astronauts of the multiverse.

Take on the role of a planeswalker exploring the many strange planets and worlds the multiverse has to offer while trying to delay their return to their universe one crystal at a time.


Time Crystals and other time related systems such as the constantly reducing timer which ends in a game over. The crystals give the game a fun arcade feel and a sense of search and discovery– perfect for a game about exploring the multiverse. 

Wormholes only activate once a crystal has been collected. The wormhole then shoots a giant beacon into the air and makes the Minecraft end portal sound effect. They are randomly placed throughout the map and are your way in and out of any given new planet.

Procedurally Generated Terrain System was added as all the terrain you explore. Different unique components which increase the complexity and variety of the terrain system include:

- Multi Octave Noise Layers were very useful in creating realistic, rugged, and varied terrain. The multiple layers of perlin noise were utilized heavily in other systems such as the following biome system.

- Five Biomes were created by tweaking the settings of the terrain generation to be random within certain bounds depending on what terrain was selected. The possible terrain types include: plains, hills, craters, plateaus, and mountains.

- Randomized Vertex Shader only paints the terrain with a solid color, but this color can be changed into a gradient at runtime, so every terrain has a unique gradient associated with it. Every gradient has four colors with the highest altitude color being lighter and the lower altitude colors being entirely random.

- Randomized Skybox can be any of the five skyboxes included within the asset pack. This also changes the lighting for the scene which helps distinguish each world.

- Randomized Prefab Placement is a robust and versatile system programmed to spawn in everything in the world like the portal, time crystals, and a random array of map features.

Short Introduction Cutscene which sets the tone of exploration for the game in addition to the inspiring music of Jake Chudnow famous for his awe inducing electronic music being used in Vsauce videos.

UI Overhaul gives a futuristic and arcadey vibe to the experience.


All the above modifications were made by me, Langston Key.

Special thanks to Emma Brown for playtesting. 

If the sprites, mechanics, or sfx weren’t mentioned above, they were part of the FPS asset pack utilized in the creation of this game made by Michigan State University.

I watched this video on terrain generation in the process of developing my own terrain generation system. It gave me a simple system that I could expand on with my further original modifications mentioned above.

I watched this video on how raycasting works in Unity while trying to figure out how to make my prefab placement system.

I found the font I use throughout the majority of my game on this website.

I use this song titled "Olive" in the opening and main menu, and I use this song during gameplay titled "Shona", both by Jake Chudnow

I used this website to download the end portal completion sound effect from Minecraft.


keylangs-Windows.zip 220 MB
keylangs-MacOS.zip 901 kB

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